Anyone interested in eating Mutton Curry on Sundays?

My dad cooks the best Mutton Curry ever.

Since I'm a mutton lover, I've eaten across the top restaurants across Navi Mumbai and a few in Mumbai too. However, no one cooks like my dad.

He was in Merchant Navy and has a passion for cooking and spent 40 years sailing with chefs from across the world. I think that made his cooking extremely good.

Anyway, we don't have the funds and energy to start a full blown Cloud kitchen(yet) but we would love to cook some extra on Sundays if anyone is interested.

I am not sure about the prices but it will definitely less than what you get at restaurants as we're not looking to make a profit but rather to get confirmation from you all that this is indeed the best Mutton curry ever.

If anyone is actually interested just drop a comment and I will think of a way to execute this.

P.S. I AM NOT A SCALPER. I live in seawoods and work at a startup. Check my previous posts if you want.

Edit 1: I am overwhelmed by the support guys!! I showed all the comments to my parents and they were super happy too!!! However, since this is our first time doing this we might not be able to fulfill all the orders as we'll be making it from our home kitchen. We don't want to compromise on the quality even one bit and would like to keep the orders limited.

I'm currently figuring out the pricing and logistics. I'll make sure to DM everyone who has commented on this post.

Please note that there will not be any COD option available as we're not a restaurant and we'll have to purchase raw materials only for the pre-orders we get!