Mom yelled at me while I was sick

Hey everyone, I’ve had a rocky relationship with my mother for as long as I could remember, and I’m not going into background here, because it would take forever. Basically I (22F) and my mom (58F) butt heads A LOT.

Friday morning I woke up with a 101 fever and couldn’t go to work. I basically just slept the whole day and asked her for minimal things like a cold compress and toast. When I’m sick or just don’t feel great, speaking seems like the task of a lifetime. So, I’m very honest and I just text. Well, she didn’t like that. Where I am it’s 5pm on Saturday and thankfully after an almost 5 hour nap and 2 Advils, I woke up with the fever gone!

A few minutes after I woke up, she walked into my room and yelled at me saying “how could you treat your mother like this” because I was too sick to speak. Yep. The eternal victim. My entire life is her being the victim no matter how sick I was or what happened to me. It’s funny because I was about to tell her that my fever broke but then she yelled and I turned back around. Some days I choose to talk back and others I just don’t. Today is a day that I don’t.

Yesterday my boyfriend’s mom, being the angel she is, told him to tell me that my mom should get me a flu test and then one of the PAs at my job could prescribe me Tamiflu. I didn’t even ask my mom because I knew she would say no. Apparently she kept asking why my mom wouldn’t go and get me the test. It’s just baffling how my boyfriend’s mom shows more concern than my own.

Anyway I figured a subreddit like this would understand what I’m going through.