Having a difficult time sizing a helmet properly.

Looking for advice on helmet choice and what to do. I have a long oval head, not much I can do about that. The selection is limited and I've tried a few.

I settled on an Arai Signet which is long oval and is praised by people with long oval heads. I measure a medium based on actual head measurement size. The medium fits well on the top of my head, no pressure on the forehead like I used to get with all my prior helmets. Good! The not so good? It feels too big. I have very little pressure on my cheeks. I can also easily move the helmet around my head when I grab it and yank it. So I tried the small as well. Wore it for a while and the cheeks feel good, but still not what I was expecting (Still a bit loose, I'm used to "chipmunk" cheeks when getting a new helmet which this was not) but I get forehead pain as the top feels too tight.

So wtf do I do? Anyone in a similar situation? The small is too small and the medium is too big. There's almost no other good options out there for long oval heads it seems like. I tried a Shoe RF1400 that is advertised as intermediate but longer in shape and that's a no go. Too tight on my forehead.