People that start monk mode here usually fail
I have seen a pretty big number if people here saying they will do monk mode, but all of them quickly lose self confidence. So my goal is to break the confines of the augmented reality that people usually face and survive the blood and sweat that come from monk mode. I must tell you the reader monk mode is not easy, not something magic that just works and you shouldn't look for the result but prepare for the journey that awaits you becouse it will be hard especially for those who need it the most.
As you know dopamine is everywhere and when people get too much of it they usually feel depressed and that their life has no meaning. Because of that YouTubers make videos that should support self improvement and monk mode but people usually can't quit getting their dopamine from the sources monk mode presents while they keep on spending time with people and doing those things together with them. YouTubes make people believe that anyone can do it. Not true!! You need to have some levels of self discipline and self control otherwise you will just waste time in false belief and fail. Sentence was too long but nevermind that.
Reader if you reading this thanks for sticking to the end, if you will try this journey survive it and succeed and then one day we will send our ups and downs on this journey together.
This is my day one, so long mister internet see you again only when I need help with math problems or something other school related.Also while in my monk mode I will try to stop watching anime too entirely.
This message is for real!!! I will post my progress (unlike other people) in this subreddit if it still exists when I get back. May my will cary me onwards, for now bye Reddit. (There is also a chance I will forget entirely about reddit and this post so be wary otherwise I will send it for sure)