Opened up a little to my therapist

Tw: suicideal ideation

I told her how I've been feeling. Mostly just that I've been feeling empty and I haven't finding joy in things. But we also talk abt school alot and I said that I don't wanna go to school anymore (I always have, but today was diffrant) . I said "It's either I go to another or I...." I wasn't able to finish it but she said "somthing tells me that u wanna kill yourself" and it was true. She asked me some questions and said that she wants to tell my mom so I could go to a docter. She's a really nice person so she asked me what I was and was not comfortable with saying. So I guess in a couple months I guess I might be going to a childrens docter and I might get prescribed. I'll have to wait...

Strongly I don't feel so.. bad? My therapist is only doing what she thinks is best for me. Probebly for the better, she doesn't even know I attempted a couple months ago. Maybe getting prescribed wouldent be so bad? I feel a lack of worry.