Is Halo Heroes Series 19 ever coming?

As I'm sure everyone is aware, the last series of Halo Heroes was Halo Heroes Series 18, which came out almost a full year ago now. As far as I know, there haven't been any leaks of a new Halo Heroes wave, and I haven't seen any announcements regarding a Series 19 since then...

So I have to ask, do you think Halo Heroes is dead? Mega Halo will obviously continue since some retailers like Kroger still carry it and there's new sets on the way, but with the lack of retailers like Walmart and Target carrying Halo stuff anymore, maybe HH was cancelled, or silently shelved? It's really unlike Mega to have a drought between HH waves this long. Back in 2021 there were like, 3 Halo Heroes waves. Surely something would've been announced or leaked by now, no?