People in medicine
Why are most of the people I encounter in medicine so mean? They act so entitled and always think they’re the best at everything. They’re quick to judge, badmouth others, and they don’t seem to care about burning bridges or facing repercussions.
I’m talking about those who are blatantly proud of their meanness, as well as the quiet ones who spread the worst and messiest rumors about people they barely know. It’s disappointing for me.
I’ve been thinking—what if I’m not the only one who’s noticed this in the medical field? What if the people who noticed it quickly left the program because they found the environment toxic and unbearable?
To those who left, not because of the exploitation or workload, but because of the overwhelming number of narcissistic, mean-spirited fake individuals—how are you?
Is there still kindness left among young doctors? It seems like there are too many arrogant people who, if you confide in them, will turn around and badmouth you, engaging in petty politics just to bring you down mentally. I have a strong type of personality and I do have a history of humbling some bullies. But, at this point in my life it is getting tired to get along with others or makipag plastikan. Its just like I'm wasting my years in medicine spending my time with unkind people.
Ps. I'm not the one getting bullied pero I am getting sick of seeing narcissistic colleague bullying or bad mouthing other colleague and this makes me want to not pursue residency program and go to a non med related path, because I want to forget everything about med and its rotten people.