Reconsidering attending med school

I graduated 2024, applied for med school, and got in this cycle. For nearly all of my life, I wanted to be a doctor, and it’s really all I’ve been working towards. However, now that I have graduated and have A LOT of time on my hands to think, I’m starting to reconsider this. I’m really struggling in deciding whether to go to medical school or not, so I wanted to ask for some advice based on my reasons why and why I wouldn’t go:

Why I’d go to Medical School: - What I want to get out of life is to use the best of my ability to create something of value for many people. Given that I have a background in healthcare & clinical research as a pre-med, attending medical school + residency may give me more credibility & experiences in the healthcare space so that I know what the consumers need + create something for them.

  • Prestige & money. I know I sound horrible when I say this, but you really can’t ignore this one.

  • Room for upward mobility in the hospital system (nearly all the higher ups in my hospital are physicians). Also, you can switch to research, teaching, & industry if you’re an established physician. So there’s some variety after you become a physician.

  • I’d help people long-term.

Why I wouldn’t go to Medical School: - Massive debt

  • Residency: being overworked & mistreated for a 55k salary. Depending on speciality, this would be at least 5 years. Knowing myself, I’d probably be delirious every day with less than 6 hours of sleep.

  • Whenever I shadowed physicians, I felt bored. To be fair though, I can’t see what’s going on in the physician’s head. However, simply going off of watching them talking with patients, doing assessments, & instructing on lifestyle choices & medications, I get very bored after the first hour.

  • I volunteered at an ER. Talking with patients and helping them was fine, but when I ask myself if I actually liked it, I just don’t know. It’s not like I hated it, since helping people gave me some level of satisfaction (albeit not an insane amount). Shouldn’t I know if I liked interacting with patients? At the very least, I did feel happy when I saw the same patients come back– they recognized me and I got to talk with them again. Not happy that they got sick again, just happy to see them lol

  • I’m scribing now. It’s fine as well. I don’t feel like I’m helping them at all. One thing I do notice, is that all the doctor really can do is urge a patient to switch their lifestyle (which they inevitably don’t) and give meds based on diagnosis/symptoms.

  • Anatomy and biology makes my head hurt. Every time I look at a complete diagram of, let’s say the heart, it’s just so overwhelming. Sure, I could learn it. Do I find the diagram itself interesting, though? No. Did I find DNA replication, countercurrent multiplication, or tidal volumes interesting? Learning about hormones and psych/neuro was much more interesting– so if I find maybe a small fraction of biology/anatomy interesting, is that enough for me to pursue medicine??

Am I just overthinking it? Literally so lost. Sorry this is so long. If you think I shouldn’t do medicine, any suggestions on what I should pursue?? Have been thinking about healthcare consulting, product management, public health, and biotech.

Edit: thank you all for the helpful advice, didnt expect this many replies wow! I’ll get thru and reply soon :)