Damned if I Do Damned if I Don't
Gen surg rotation, I'm just a shadow basically I'm lucky if I get to throw one stitch. I had an incidental finding on a patient, and I brought it up a day later and he says "if its urgent the patient will bring it up, it probably doesn't matter, no one saw it no nurse brought it up to me." when we were in the room we all saw it, cringed, and suggested she get that checked out (she was under anesthesia and we were flipping her) but we all forgot as we were busy. Plus every doctor knows that patients half the time don't bring up shit and it ends up being like stage 4 cancer what a piss poor argument just to be contradictory to anything I say. But we all know had I not brought it up and it turned out to be something bad, I would be getting shit for not saying anything. It's like I can't ever win with this attending. He only points out the wrong in me never anything else. If I know the whole procedure and how to do it? who gives a damn because I didn't know the infundibulum of the gallbladder was also called Hartmann's pouch. Lord knows I'm too incompetent to retract I'm such a dumbass. But it's perfectly okay when he asks the surgical tech to hand him the "thingy." Give me a fucking break man.
Edit: this is my attending not a resident