My Experience after 200hrs+
First of all, the game is super fun and I hope it continues being that way for the casual player.
Now let me get into the important things that should be changed IMO.
Storm lacks game identity, we don't know if she supposed to be a buffer, flyer dps or a front line DPS.
Her buffing aura is insanely small, her ult puts her in a very dangerous spot if it doesnt kill most enemies (spoiler: it wont) , with her health being 250points and her "mobility" is so slow, LMB projectile speed and cast time are super slow, they are at Namor level+ with a reload lol.
So my suggested change for her is to lean into one of her aspects by keep everything else as is while either:
-Buff the passive buff AURA range to x3 or even x4 times the current range and change her health to 300. (if the devs wants her to be a supportive DPS)
-Make her a flyer like iron man increase projectile speed and make her LMB do a different effect based on the stance she is in. Wind stance makes her Single target that casts faster attacks or electric with making her attacks has an electric effect that bounces off the first target into the next lowest enemy at a reduced damage.
Wolverine: just improve his survivability slightly.
Spider-man: give him one more RMB or Two charges on his E with a 1 second interval after cast.
Black Widow: give her sniper crits increased damage (more than the average crit compared to the other heroes) and give her ult something unique like going through shields.
Groot: Make his walls hit from both sides. (Im surprised how many people dont know that Groot walls do damage)
Captain: Really a missed opportunity to give his "Liberty Rush" a stun against terrain.
Hela: remove the wall hack from her ult, it makes no sense lol. Increase the cooldown on her shift.
Hawkeye: increase the interval between each shot.
This is what I can think of, I'd love to see what you have to say and what changes you would do.