I’ve always felt like something is watching me. Will this go away?
Like a supernatural being who is in control of my destiny is keeping score of what I do and playing off my thoughts. And its there to curse me when I’m wrong. For example my mind is always saying curse me if I do this, or I bet this will happen (and if it doesn’t then I’ll be cursed) and this thing is watching me keeping track ready to curse me. I believe it because of the things which seemed too impossible to my brain to occur by chance happening all the time and leading me to believe there’s something there doing it. Like saying its a curse if someone messages me at this time and recording a text from that person at that exact time which was pretty far away. Or watching something on YouTube and guessing some extremely improbable thing to happen and it meaning something then seeing it happen. I’m fully convinced at times something is watching me or that I’m in a movie and there’s a chip in my brain that interacts with the reality around me. Just crazy plots like that, people can read my thoughts and all kinds of other explanations. I’m obsessed with the idea and it’s been there for years now. Am I doomed to live like this forever??