I’m sick of “feminine energy” content

As a black femme lesbian, it just irks me about how femininity is only relevant when it comes to attracting a “provider husband”. It sucks and it annoys me to no end.

Now don’t get me wrong, if you want to explore your feminine side and be more feminine-presenting in terms of style, I love that for you! But if you’re performing “feminine energy” only to get a man, then that’s doing too much.

“If you learn to cook and clean, he’ll come get you quick! Always wear dresses and skirts! Be modest! A god-fearing man will love you when you love the most high! Be chaste! Love pink! Wear no other color but pink!” (No shade if you really love pink, I’m talking about those creators in particular).

It’s just really annoying how one second I’m learning how to do a eyeshadow pattern and the next second some lady is telling me how to be in your “feminine energy” so he pays for your meals and marries you. Like girl, PLEASE get out of my face.