How and at what age did you discover that you were lesbian? were there "signs"?

Personally, I've never been interested in boys. Even at nursery school, I didn't play mom and dad, I didn't dream of Prince Charming... I was also a real tomboy, I had "masculine" behavior and I tried to seduce the girls and to be gallant with them.

But my first realization was around the age of 6, I was at school and suddenly I said to myself "it's weird, all girls want to be with (popular boys), but I would like to be with (popular girl). However, I didn't know that homosexuality existed at the time. Then at the age of 8 I fell in love with my best friend (to whom I also made my first. coming out this year), and I fell in love with my mistress etc. I also always wanted the girls in TV shows to be married with their best friend and not a boy lol

What's funny is that my mother (I came out when I was 11) was not homophobic, in her family side, there was even a gay couple and she had several gay friends (but none lesbian). However, my father's family and my father were homophobic so from a young age I took to the task of inventing crushes on boys on TV or in real life. It shows the pressure that our environment puts on us from a very young age.

(Sorry for my broken english)