It’s not worth it
Smoking “just one more time” isn’t worth it. Ask me how I know. I made it to a little over three months before I decided to smoke just one night, and now I’m back to smoking daily.
You don’t want to be stuck in this cycle again. You don’t want to keep telling yourself you’ll quit tomorrow… only to light up again and keep being a broken record. You don’t want to keep sleeping like crap. You don’t want to binge on junk food then feel like shit the next day. You don’t want it to be the only thing you think about from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. Trust me, you don’t want this.
If you’re thinking about quitting, trust your true self, not the addict side of you. Quitting is always worth it, and I will never stop trying no matter how many times I relapse.
YOU are worth it. Stop borrowing time from future you and become someone you’re really proud of. I’m back on day 1, and I will not smoke with you today.