Jelly Fanfic Week 2024 - August 12th - 18th


I'm happy to announce we're hosting the first edition of Jelly Fanfic Week during the month that marks their one year anniversary as an official couple.

During the week of August 12th - 18th, 2024 you'll find new work(s) every day on our AO3 Collection, provided by some of our selected writers. Each day, a new trope! We hope everyone can have the best time during this event, crafted especially to bring our fandom together in celebration.

* This first edition is a test, hence the selected number of writers engaged, but we hope to have many more events to come.

Don't miss anything and follow us on our twitter and instagram pages.

Organization by: marinawrites, Laruida and angua_v_uberwald. Thanks for all the support and the collaboration of our talented writers ❤️