Where does it stop? And why?
I'm allowed to poke holes in my ears and noses right? So why not septum or lips or eyebrows? Or even multiple piercings in ears?
I don't know much about this but before you come at me, no, I don't want to get all those piercings. I just want to know the rules. Are there actually any specific ayats or hadiths to base this on?
Btw I have an ear piercing. But only that. I actually wanted another one in my ear but that's where my mom started telling me that it's haram and when I asked her she couldn't give me a proper response. At first she said "I don't like it" but I told her that it doesn't really matter what she likes or not. She could not like something but what's halal is halal and what's haram is haram. So then she said "well, it alters/disfigures us and that's an offense to Allah" which brings me to my question again.
Do ear/nose piercings also alters/disfigures face if we want to go along that line?