Cerberus Beginner

Hey all, I've been dipping my toes into bossing lately. Like ~50 kc at Vork, Zulrah, Kril and reg Gauntlet. So I haven't even come close to mastering any but I'm at least getting the hang of some bossing mechanics. I got a hellhounds task and thought it was good chance to try Cerb.

I am trying to do the method of ghost skipping, and I have full Guthans. I've read that using Guthans up to 400 HP left is good way to conserve food, so that's what I've been trying.

I am potting up at start of first kill, and using Piety/Protect from Mage throughout the entire fight. First kill seems to go smooth, but problem is the second kill. My DPS is so slow with Guthans and my pots partially worn off that I'm not even getting Cerb down to 400 HP by attack 14. So when I try to switch to my high DPS gear, I'm already behind, and end up having to try to scramble to survive ghosts at hit 28.

I posted my stats/equip. I feel like with my stats I should be able to do multiple kills per trip based on what I've read.

I'm wondering if I need to repot att/str every kill at my stats? That seems excessive, so before I started doing that I wanted to sanity check w/ you guys. If that seems excessive, what might I be doing wrong? Is Guthans just not viable for me until higher att/str level? I could ditch the Guthans and just Arclight the whole kill, which means maybe I'd have to eat a few extra times towards the beginning.

Also I'm considering just ditching the ghost skipping all together, or maybe just avoiding them at attack 7. The mechanic of the ghosts isn't that hard to pray against, so it means I'll consume one extra pot per kill. I've got a 1k+ PPot stack so I could go a while that way.

Any tips appreciated!


