Messages in iCloud bug

My experience is that iCloud sync is perfect, except for Messages or with the new term Messages in iCloud.

There are phantom messages remaining stored by iCloud.

I went rather far in my testing.

A) I waited for the proposed 30 days after I had disabled the sync on all my IOS devices. Then synced again and I saw that something wrong in iCloud there was more than zero messages stored

B) At my second attempt I waited for 40 days just in case 30 days was not 30 days by Apple. Same results.

C) Then I enabled it again, changed Keep messages from forever to 30 days, I decided to delete all my messages on my IOS devices as a test and 60 days later I still see some remaining messages stored.

So I sacrificed my message history just to show that the cleaning process of iCould is imperfect.

Fyki when I delete my message on my phone or my tablet, I also permanently delete them using Edit function (top left) and check my other device. The later sync is perfect, devices do what the other device “obeys” them via iCloud.

But in the cloud some strange happens. A couple of days ago I was as low as having only 3 phantom messages in iCloud but having received some texts and iMessages and sent some, and delete them and manually sync immediately I see now 5 messages again.

I did not want to use this brutal force method on my wife’s devices, so she still see around 26000 messages in icloud while the real number is around 5000.

After I went with your proposed method back in last October, the number went down appr. to 8000, but somehow it jumped back to over 20000 again.

Conclusion: Apple did not properly design the sync of Messages in iCloud and it would be better if you could manually check those messages let them be real texts (sms) or imessages in iCould and at the same time one should have the power to manually erase those items which are unwanted.