I feel like I’ve failed
I feel like I’ve failed at homeschooling. I’ve been crying all morning on and off. My husband and I have talked and we are going to be putting our 4th grader in public school for the remainder of the year. We have been homeschooling since first grade but each year it’s gotten harder and harder. Not the academics, but my daughters attitude and willingness to do the work.
I have tried so many different methods of teaching. We have tried different curriculums, co-ops, etc. she just does not want to do the work. It’s a fight every single day. And I’m just mentally exhausted. I have 2 other kids to take care of and another to school.
At this point homeschooling is not benefiting us and it’s just creating so much conflict in our home. I’m hoping this will maybe be a wake up call for her to see just how good she has had it homeschooling. And I feel like a horrible parent for saying that. But I’m just at the end of my rope. I don’t see another option at this point. But it still sucks so so much. I feel like I’ve failed as a mom and as my child’s teacher.
I don’t even know why I’m posting this😭 Maybe just to vent. Maybe someone can give me some insight. Has anyone else done this? And then it end up working out in your favor in the long run?