The dream balance patch
Following BlizzKofalt statement in the latest interview here.
I remember when Mei was the meta pick in low elo for a long time, but still wasn't picked in CCL games because her engages weren't reliable. The January patch changed things around with Cold front and Ice Wall buffs and since then, we've seen more Mei plays.
Not all balance are around the highest level of play, but there's a big portion that comes from it. If you were to balance the game by the standards mentioned by BlizzKofalt, what would you propose?
Would you buff Nova to make her more viable in SL at the risk of pub stomping more in QM? Would be nerf Medivh's Portal Mastery so that his he can't cast it while in bird form? How would you substitute Samuro's Hearth swap if it was removed?
Usually, I look into these filters to give me an idea. Some heroes aren't changed recently, so I'll take a longer timeframe for them specifically. Sometimes, I'll check into CCL and realize that Kerrigan is a hard hero to master, a pub stomper with a great win rate in QM and SL, but falls behind once coordinated teams in high elo focus her or are able to avoid facing her.