Vitex (chaste berry) for anxiety and depression ??

I tried some vitex for the first time yesterday, hoping to regulate some of my perimenopause hormone issues. I wasn't expecting what happened within an hour of taking it. I felt a warm tingly feeling throughout my body and a profound calmness. I don't think this was a placebo effect, as again, I was not expecting anything like that. This is a big deal to me, if in fact I'm not imagining it, because for 2 years I have been suffering from pretty severe depression and an inability to feel peace and enjoy all the things I used to enjoy, like nature and even eating. I'm wondering, before I get my hopes up that this supplement may help me, if anyone else has had a reaction like this to taking vitex. I don't see anywhere on the internet much about it calming anxiety or depression unless the anxiety is related to premenstrual syndrome, which mine is not. I have read that it can trigger your dopamine receptors... So maybe that's what's going on? Any thoughts? Do you think I'm just imagining it?