Are people happy with the current meta?

As of this patch, we have very clearly entered a board based meta. The top decks consist of:

Terran Aggro Shaman, a deck that relies on board damage with a bit of burn for the mid/late game.

Location Warlock, a deck that's all about cheating stats (without charge).

Handbuff Hunter, a deck that's all about putting a lot of stats on board with zerglings and having burn for the mid/late game.

Zerg Frost DK, a deck that's all about controlling the enemy's board while buffing its own board, with little off board damage that mostly comes up after Kerrigan (so turn 7 the earliest).

Terran Warrior, which, even as a control deck, still plays stuff on the board early/mid game with their terran pieces and taunt package.

This is exactly the meta everyone was asking for, while complaining about how decks disregarded the board while executing their own gameplan, didn't even try to win it at some point in the game and just OTK'd the opponent. OTKs were said to be too fast and slower decks couldn't breathe.

Currently, there's little off board damage in the format, at least in the best performing decks (unless your opponent gets a lot of banshees), while OTKs barely even exist. The only "OTK" I can think of is sonya 3x archons, that deals 24-28, which means decks can outarmor it, while the deck itself still plays for board and tries to find chip damage through it before executing this admittedly inconsistent combo that in most cases comes up after turn 7.

There's no pupil repeating amulet of warding for the 5th time or oracle giving decks infinite off-board damage.

So my question is very simple: Are you happy with the meta? Are you enjoying the game more of less than before?

TL;DR: Top decks are in the most part board based decks with little off board damage, which is what the community said the wanted in recent times. Are you happy with the state of the meta?