Rehoming my hamster—can anyone give her a good home? (Canada)

I posted last fall about rescuing a hamster that was being sold on Kijiji as a mouse in one of those small plastic cages. Since then, she’s been having a great time with me, and I’ve grown really attached to her.

Unfortunately I’m moving to Japan in April and can’t bring her with me. I want to make sure she goes to a good home—the local humane society will put her back in a small cage, and I don’t want to risk handing her off to someone who doesn’t know proper hamster care.

She’s an adorable little robo named Moosh. I have no idea how old she is, unfortunately, but I’ve had her since September 2024. She’s never been very cuddly/handleable, but I’ve gotten her to the point where she’ll take treats from my hand/sit on my hand and eat. Otherwise she’s very curious and active, LOVES spending time in her sand bath and running on her wheel.

She’ll come with all her supplies (bedding, hides, food/water dishes, sand bath, wheel, DIY toys, chew toys, sprays, food, etc). She’s currently in a 612 sq inch bin cage, but if you can upgrade to something bigger that would be great!

I’m located in southwest Ontario, but I’m willing to drive up a few hours to the GTA area if necessary (I just ask that you cover my gas costs).

Thank you! I hope she can find a good home with someone who will love her. I didn’t expect to get so attached to her, but I’m going to miss her so much. 😭💔