A message from an Israeli

Hey everyone. Not gonna lie, the last 15 months have been obviously very rough for me. I'm not a patriot, but it was really hard to watch what happened to my country and Palestine over the last 15 months. What made it harder was the realization that not only did so many on the internet ignore our suffering in October 7th, some of them even justified and cheered as we were slaughtered in our beds. I doubt there's a Jew (besides the ones who think they can get away from all of this by being anti-Zionists) who didn't lose a friend or had to unfollow a celebrity, a content creator, etc. after October 7th. Even so, everyntime we would show ourselves, it would feel like people were there to get us, for our religion and country of origin. Saying we felt alone would be a huge understatement.

Seeing the positive reception the content nuke Haas been getting is very reassuring to me. As liberal who has always opposed the occupation and has never hid that belief, seeing how Hasan and his friends brainwashed the left into dehumanizing us hurt more than I care to admit. Believe it or not, we Israeli liberals actually started rooting for Trump, because we were afraid the antisemitic rhetoric would cause the Democrats to cave in to people like Hasan and turn on us completely. Hasan was the head honcho of the antisemism industry on the left, and it blew my mind how he would be invited to news interviews and the DNC (again, not helping them in our eyes) and was able to host Bernie Sanders on his stream. It felt like everybody was in on kicking us to the curb. So I can't tell you how happy I am seeing Ethan nuke the shit out of Hasan, his friends and Twitch, and your reactions to it. You guys are the best!

To those of you who legitimately fell for Hasan at some point in time, I forgive you. I know how horrible you must be feeling right now. Netanyahu has been using similar tactics here in Israel. Over the last 20 years, he used his charm to brainwash his constituents and demonize his political rivals. Like Hasan did to Ethan and to Destiny before him, Netanyahu would ride on other people's coattails and then destroy them in every sense of the word after they've outlived their usefulness. These narcissists, like Hasan and Netanyahu, can really cool even the best of us. I guess that's part of what makes us human. That's why it takes a lot of courage to admit that you messed up big time. I hope this is truly the end of Hasan's reign of terror in the streaming world, and that no one will fall for these frauds ever again.

Again, thank you for listening to our story when so many others wouldn't. It means so much for us to even get to this point, because we didn't always have that opportunity. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask.