Feedback on a 750 escalation list

It's the contest of generals rules that will be used so no GHBs. How's this for a starting point? Anything to change? Was considering Kings Gitz, but think it would have less of an impact at lower points (less killpower to one shot units I think)? I was also considering Loonskin with the Malevolent Moon, but opted for a more durable Troggboss.

  • Army Faction: Gloomspite Gitz
    • Subfaction: Glogg's Megamob
    • Grand Strategy: Sever the Head
    • Triumph: Indomitable LEADERS Dankhold Troggboss (210)*
    • General
    • Command Traits: Alpha Trogg
    • Artefacts of Power: Glowy Howzit BATTLELINE Fellwater Troggoths (170)* Rockgut Troggoths (170)* OTHER Dankhold Troggoths (190)* TERRAIN 1 x Bad Moon Loonshrine (0) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 740/750 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App