New (stronger) prescription Q

Hello all! I have been a glasses & contacts wearer for the past 10 years or so (26 F). My last contact prescription was -3.50 OS -3.25 OD. As of today, I am now at -4.00 OU for contacts and everything up close (looking at my phone or laptop) is distorted and blurry. I know it takes time to adjust and granted today is my first day wearing them but I need help with my logic here..

My vision without glasses or contacts is great at reading distance and I’ve never had a problem when wearing them affecting my near sightedness. Now that the power is -4.00 would that affect my vision when reading things up close? As in, would the stronger prescription make my near sightedness blurry? Because I can see fine far away with the new Rx and it isn’t blurry/fish bowl-y but any text (phone or laptop) within a few feet of my face is distorted and I can see a second outline of words.

Do I just need time to adjust or did they make my prescription too strong?

For context, the doc recommend a digital “bump” / lens in my glasses and it’s the first time I’ve ever seen anything under the “Add” column on my written glasses prescription. It’s .75 on both sides.

Thanks in advance for any insight!!! (Pun intended)