Why can I not understand what is going on

I don't know if I'm just brain dead, or if im looking forward to finishing school or if its just these prof, but it seems like I don't understand anything they are saying. Whatever is said in class, makes no sense, and I am sitting there wondering wtf is going on. I have this one class, and the prof seems like a first-time prof and let me tell you , I cannot hear her talk (and I don't want nobody saying move up to the front, I am not doing it, plus the seats are always taken anyways), and anything she is saying just MAKES NO SENSE. I feel like I'm going crazy. I have like 3 classes with the same problem, where whatever is being said is gibberish to me fr. Anyways that was my two cents for this semester. I hope you all have a great semester, and may you pass all you class!