am i going crazy?

hey y’all, i’m a trans guy and i just came out to my parents this past summer. it’s taken my parents a while to adjust, but as of late they’ve been really consistent in calling me “he,” “boy,” and “son.” which is good! i asked them to. the issue is, i SHOULD feel happy about this, but when my parents call me their son, or a boy, it scares me to death and i cannot for the life of me figure out why. i like being referred to as male, and i know that because i’ve been using primarily he/him with my friends for years, and even at work! i feel good when my friends call me male, but when my parents do it, it scares me shitless. it feels almost as bad as being called “she,” or “girl,” or “daughter.” i wanted to know if this was normal, and if any of y’all have been through that too, and what the reason for it might be??