2 Theories!! Hear me out!
New brother, I think I know who!!!
Ok here me out here, after multiple times re-reading the last 20 chapters I feel I have finally come to a conclusion on who the “new brother” could be.
I felt like Bohdi & Garrick are just far too easy of a guess, not like RY to be that simple.
So I decided to do a deep dive. Here we go:
What so many people don’t understand is the POV chapters are all happening at the same time! So imogen POV & Xadens POV are happening during the same time period. So when reading the chapter from Xaden and imogen, know that it’s the same time stamp.
Chapter 63- Imogen point of view Page 511 (special edition target version) this is the last time in onyx storm where BOTH Garrick & Bohdi characters are noted. Garrick is saying he can’t distance weild anymore & Bohdi is throwing up on the ground.
Regardless of what other readers think, I believe Rebecca Yarros purposely make them look suspicious here! Bohdi throwing up because it possibly insinuates he turned venin and now it’s making him sick, and Garrick saying “so idea better find some fucking way to do something” talking about how he’s weak from wielding and needs to do something about it, so readers think he turned venin to draw power from earth.
NO. It can’t be them because imogen POV is the same time as Xadens and both G&B are with imogen!!! Whoever the “new brother” is is knocked unconscious by the shadows in the canyon next to the sage berwyn.
How do I know these POV are at the same time you ask?
Here we go: Chapter 65- Xaden POV Page 522 “save them, the last remaining pieces of me beg…. My shadows surge from the canyon, over the city, ending every Wyvern in the air and on the ground, I’m everywhere at once…RUSHING OVER IMOGEN AS SHE LOOKS TO THE SKY.”
That line was driving me crazy because it’s so odd!
Now let’s go back to IMOGEN POV Chapter 63- page 511 bottom of page: “ I unsheathe my last alloy-hilted dagger and STARE UP At the wyvern filled sky.
Then I went to violets POV chapter 64 which falls in between imogen & xaden POV obviously & here on page 517 we read “I love you …“ (which also Xadens POV notes on page 523 her saying I love you to him) ….continuing on after violets says I love you… “shadow throws theophanie to the ground”. Again it confirms all of these POV are happening at the same time!
All of this to say that from all of the POV we know the people closest to Xaden are accounted for… only one missing! So the question is who is this “new brother?” Page 521: “how could he do this? Choose this after watching me stumble and fall over the last five months. How could he willingly walk the path I’ve fought like hell to leave? He’s the last person I ever would have expected to turn and yet here we are.”
It’s BRENNAN! Brennan has know for a super long time because he’s been secretly trying to “heal” xaden from becoming venin. He’s watch him struggle this whole time! Brennan is last seen leaving with his dragon to go back with Mira to continue to heal her. Brennan could have dropped Mira off at riorson house and then went to be summoned by the sage.
I believe if it was Garrick or Bohdi Xaden would have been so mad. He’s fairly tame in that moment when the “new brother” is mentioned. But regardless we know both G & B are where imogen is in the town square.
Not only that, Xaden has been planning to propose to Violet so Brennan actually will be Xadens new brother!!!
Separate theory:
Also if you really want to spiral read chapter 45! At this point we don’t yet know that Violet is a “dream walker” and this dream is actually Xadens I believe.
Hear me out- “the sage” is xadens dad or grandpa!!!!! Is Berwyn Xadens dad? Or xadens grandpa who used to be Sygels previous bonded rider?!?
Page 375- “the sage promises, pushing his robes up the length of his TANNED ARMS.” Ummmm I thought venin were pale with red ringed veiny eyes?! Interesting detail there! Continuing on.. Page 376- “the sage draws a sword from his robes, and the next flash of lightening reflects the emeralds adorning the top of the hilt. …… and the sword of tyrrendor rushes toward my chest.”
Holy wow!!!! We know Xaden has the dagger of tyrrendor and that the missing emerald on it was used to make violet a wedding ring.
But who in the world has the sword of tyrrendor?! Someone help me figure this out! The book mentions the emeralds on daggers and swords multiple times but I haven’t yet been able to find clue to who could have the sword in their possession!
Also note Xaden mentions TWICE in the book that his sage was “supposed to be dead”. Whoever the sage is he knew him before turning venin and he thought he was dead. Also in chapter 65 page 521 Xaden COMPARES this sage to violet! Meaning whoever this venin is is someone he couldn’t never kill! Just like he could never kill violet. So it’s someone who was important to him. “But because I. can’t. Kill. Him. I could no more raise a blade to his throat than I could violet. The bond between violence and me is the kind of magic that has no explanation. The bond between berwyn and me is the kind that should never exist, and now that my sage has another sibling he can use against me… I’m screwed.”
Sibling also would indicate Brennan being a brother, or sibling to violet! Just like theopanie used Mira against them earlier! Another sibling!
Anyway, welcome to my Ted talk if you made it thus far😜🫣