Good actors who are rarely in good films

Zoe Saldana is usually at least good no matter the movie. Even in Crossroads, a movie filled with terrible performances (it's not just Britney) she's good in it.

That being said...most of her movies aren't great? I like the Guardians movies, she's in the best Pirates movie, I've never seen any of her Star Trek movies, and...umm...that's about it. The first Avatar was okay but the second one sucked and most of the other movies I've seen have been either forgettable (The Words) or terrible (Amsterdam). Even Emilia Perez is a movie I dislike the more I think about it.

Also I guess Chris Pratt; he was good in Parks, Guardians, and Moneyball but most of his movies past 2015 aren't that good. However, unlike Zoe who gives a good performance no matter what she's in, it feels like since Jurassic World his non-Star Lord performances (at least when James Gunn is around; he was terrible in his 5 minute appearance in Love and Thunder) just feel like he's going through the motions.

Though back to the Saldana example I'm not the best person to be talking about this trend but Hollywood in general has a problem with casting black women it feels like; Halle Berry struggled to find good scripts after her Oscar win and Octavia Spencer, Jennifer Hudson, and Alfre Woodard are all great actresses who rarely appeared in anything matching their talent after their Oscar win/nomination or the movie that made them famous.