My life is being destroyed by Donald Trump

Probie fed here. I won't try to conceal my position, since I've commented extensively throughout this sub regarding my own circumstances and probably the Muskrats have already picked up on it. I'll just say I'm in the HHS. A walking dead, if you will. I was told two Fridays ago that I would be terminated, but I never received my official notice. I somehow miraculously survived my live burial, though I don't imagine I'll survive the RIF or whatever other illegal terminations they have planned for us.

About a month ago, I began anticipating this all and I began applying for other jobs. I have a PhD and was applying to jobs in academia. I landed an interview two weeks ago for a dream position in an incredibly prestigious university in a location I would love to live. The first round of interviews went super well and, in addition to excelling in all of the areas they were looking for, I jived really well with my potential bosses. A few weeks later, as part of the process, I gave a talk about my own research to the group I was interviewing with. I think they loved it. I think I shined. I think I fucking nailed the interview for my dream job AND an escape pod out of the HHS.

Today the university enacted a hiring freeze. For fear of losing federal funding, the university has paused hiring for new positions.

I don't know yet if this applies to this dream position I have been interviewing for, but all indications from the university imply it does. Donald Tr*ump has been making my life a living hell for over a month and directly changing the course of my life. I am fucking FED up with it. I feel irate but powerless, and that combination is making me depressed and irritable towards people I love.

This is the FUCKING WORST.

- A public servant.