(semi-serious) The problem isn't gods, it's wizards.
Thie started off as a joking response in another thread, to someone else claiming "gods are bad for the world, we're better off without them". Then I started thinking that a much better and more relevant debate for C3 would have been whether to kill all wizards and persecute anyone who tries to learn wizardry, Dark Sun style. Because you look back over the history of Exandria and all three campaigns? Wizards have been consistently far, FAR worse for the world than gods have, to the point where I surprised myself with how big the list was getting.
Calamity? Set in motion because two wizards tried to become gods, then triggered because another wizard poked the one and only thing in the world that they were asked not to poke.
Why was Whitestone conquered and Percy's family massacred, followed by the brutal oppression of everyone in the city for decades? A wizard wanted her husband back, who would then go on to torment Laudna just to really drive the point home.
Vecna coming this close to wrecking the world, twice? Wizard.
Why is the Dwendalian Empire oppressive and religiously intolerant? Wizards.
Dwendalian / Kryn war? Happened because of two wizards and their joint research project.
The Volstrucker and everything terrible that happened to Caleb? Wizard.
Why did an abomination like the Somnoven come to exist and threaten the world? Wizards.
The destruction of Aeor? Caused by wizards forcing the hands of the gods.
Predathos breaking out? A wizard, poking the one and only thing in the world that they were asked not to poke.
Every bad thing that happens in C3? Stemming from a wizard who set up a cult.
And then there's Halas. Who didn't do that much on-screen that was evil, but is another data point for high level wizards overwhelmingly being selfish maniacs with worse god complexes than the actual gods.
Conclusion: We need to kill all the wizards, they can't be trusted.