What the hell is this guy on?

I'm a cradle Catholic lurking in this subreddit, and I just found some Orthodox influencer I followed post something with these captions. It kind of makes me see a new perspective on this church, since I thought only we had problems (like rampant sodomy in Orthodox monastic spaces)

What does this even mean? The unreasoning and pure mind, a.k.a the "conveniently indoctrinatable" mind? Isn't posting a slideshow with specific images, and formulating these sentences a result of thought itself? (The slideshow itself meanwhile, were just random Orthodox pictures)

I'm a cradle Catholic lurking in this subreddit, and I just found some Orthodox influencer I followed post something with these captions. It kind of makes me see a new perspective on this church, since I thought only we had problems (like rampant sodomy in Orthodox monastic spaces)

What does this even mean? The unreasoning and pure mind, a.k.a the "conveniently indoctrinatable" mind? Isn't posting a slideshow with specific images, and formulating these sentences a result of thought itself? (The slideshow itself meanwhile, were just random Orthodox pictures)