ENTPs can be unlikely good at helping with others emotions?
Hey so I know we have the reputation and stereotype of being cold contrarian buttholes.
However, I’ve found that my analysis and my nack for looking at a situation from all angles, connecting information, and imagining multiple solutions helps me greatly in helping a friend get through a hard time. I’m able to quickly monitor the situation and feelings present in a friend and come up with solutions easily, as well as help analyze and understand certain emotions to help them work through them.
No shade to my fiance and good friend (ISFP and ESFJ) but they aren’t as good at this as me, my fiance says so himself. I’ve also found my ENFP friend is adept in this field as well, though it’s more stereotypical of her.
I just find it strange (I know this isn’t how cognitive functions work but—) that I’m better at helping my friends with their problems than some of my F type friends as a T type.
Is this a high Ne thing? Any other ENTPs feel this way or have an explanation for this phenomenon?