New Ender 5 Pro Help

Just got my new Ender 5 Pro today. It's been a few years since I did any 3D printing, things have changed a bunch and come a long ways since then.

I have it all set up, I leveled the bed to how I used to do it back in the day, using a piece of paper to feel the "drag" on it as I move it under the nozzle. Maybe I'm doing this wrong now too?

I Installed Cura, it didn't have a default profile for Ender 5 Pro so I used the Ender 5 profile.

I sliced one of the stock images to do a test print, I don't think it's working right. Here are the issues I can see that are happening.

The first layer (purge line and outline) seem to be pretty thin strands being laid down, like there's not enough filament coming through to do the "squish". It's so thin that it's barely sticking to the bed and not sticking at all in some spots.

I have a feeling it's my cura profile settings or my leveling technique (I have a BLTouch, just waiting for the pin 27 board to install it). Anyone have any advice? Side note, I read some people are using the TH3D firmware instead of Marlin? Is this compatible with the Ender 5 Pro board with the silent stepper drivers?