Why Talking About Your Problems Can Sometimes Make Them Worse

Probably this post is going to get me in trouble!

We’ve all heard it: You should talk about your problems. And yeah, sometimes that helps. But.... what if talking about your struggles over and over is actually keeping you stuck?

the thing is: when we keep replaying the same story, it can start to define us. Instead of moving forward, we get caught in the loop of retelling, revisiting, and reliving. And after a while, that story becomes who we are.

Of course, processing emotions is important, but there’s a difference between understanding what happened and becoming stuck in it. In other words, between therapy and venting.

Sometimes, instead of talking more, we need to take a step back and ask: Am I reprocessing this, or am I just reinforcing it? That’s where having something structured, like therapy or a step-by-step workbook (DM if interested) can really help. It keeps things intentional, rather than turning into a loop.

Have you lovely people ever felt like talking about a problem made you feel worse? Or has it always helped you move forward? I’d love to hear your take.