colonoscopy prep tonight im scared

im doing the mira lax and like it starts with a d and its a laxative pill prep. i have zofran and gatorades cold and ready as well as jello and spriteeee. hype me up lol


i did not come close to throwing up. the gas pains were nothing i havent experienced already. i was ok! i did the ducalox and miralax combo.


remind yourself ur body knows what to do!

dont google. reddit search. that was my mistake i let reddit fear mongering get the best of me. every body is different. some people cant handle one med and u can and vise versa. i did find comfort but some things i saw also pushed my fear in a bad direction.

stay hydrated! my prep instructions had me drink 8oz of liquid (water. gatorade) every hour from the moment i woke up until my prep began. i followed this and made sure i was hydrated the day before as well. make sure ur not just drinking gatorade. the salt needs water to balance out drinking just that can actually just dehydrate u more!

i started eating bland friday (my prep was monday) u begin editing ur diet i believe 72 hours before ur prep and i read (reddit. google. one positive that wasnt fear mongering i gained lol) was that prior to ur prep eat bland to help the prep. i did that. and i believe it helped.

make sure ur prep is cold!

miralax and yellow gatorade was yummy i didnt taste anything but the gatorade.


and have comfort items. i had my comfiest pjs on. water in the bathroom for me. wet wipes. and a fan.

i was ok! and i would do it again 100%

post colonoscopy (colonoscopy was tuesday its not thursday)

stay hydrated! i personally got anesthesia. so i made sure to hydrate extra. i continued to eat bland as i had bad bloating from the air they pumped into me. i am still eating bland as i feel crampy still and achy. i know i need to slowly incorporate good back into my diet but u also need to take it slow. but dont be scared!

ur body knows what to do. trust in that ❤️