Weird Skeletrix Sound Design

Y’all probably know all of this but I’ll just throw it out as a resource

If you want to approximate the metallic/squelchy/alien sounds you hear on tracks like Typical Rap Song 1, Me.coM, check out techniques like spectral resynthesis, vocoding, and granulation


This is specifically about making latex textures but you can easily adapt this with a little creativity — also similar to the video below

This video is a really good resource for that squelchy, textural sound design — (as an aside: this kind of vocoding I hear all over Qebrus’ music)

Ableton's phase vocoder does cool shit used in conjunction with any kind of granulation. Tbh it sounds good by itself. Play around with parallel processing.


This channel has a lot of good stuff in general, this is specific to Ableton’s grain delay I imagine most here use FL but whatever you can probably do something similar


This entire channel has really insane sound design tricks — I feel a lot of them are useful

This is a free suite of spectral resynthesis plugins, pretty unstable on my end but its cool. That's not a mark against him, like seriously, shout out this guy. Working in the frequency domain is tricky in general, programming legitimately spectral good effects and releasing them for free is nuts. This shit gets ugly.


If you use Max/MSP, also check out:


In my mind, good experimental sound design is like seducing a woman -- you need tact and discretion. You want organismic sounds? you need to coax it. Be gentle with the knobs, someone grabs your nob when its dry and starts twisting hard its not going to feel good, too wet it feels like nothing. For most purposes, fiddle with the dry/wet somewhere in the middle as a starting point. Me personally I just think when people go really crazy with these type of effects there's no cohesion and it sounds lazy. Dunno.

If this is not relevant at all my bad but I get the feeling these kinds of sounds are in vogue and really catching peoples ear right now, thought I’d share. I'm a billionaire I know mr beast