Is there such a thing as "Ehlers-Danlos spectrum"?
Hello, by any chance is there such a thing as the "Ehlers-Danlos spectrum"? I ask this because I have dysautonomia and MCAS. I have studied a lot about these two conditions and discovered the relationship with EDS. I didn't know until then that my uncles on my mother's side have hypermobility in some parts of their body and my grandmother's uncles (uncles of my uncles with hypermobility) were very hypermobile. I believe I have the EDS gene, but without having EDS, I don't have hypermobility or stretchy skin or anything like that. I believe that I don't have any hypermobile joints, on the contrary, my joints have always been very hard and nowadays, just trying to stretch my joints causes me to have a vasovagal crisis. But I see the other characteristics of EDS in myself, such as scarring problems, musculoskeletal pain, etc. I'm unsure how to start investigating this part. Someone advised me to look for a geneticist, but I'm not sure if he could really help me with this information. Could anyone guide me on this?