So sick of this shit
Sick of being in pain 24/7. Sick of people in work saying "omg what's wrong with you!". Sick of being looked at twice when I ask to try on a dress in a shop. Sick of literally dousing myself in cream and moisturiser for some idiot to say "have you tried moisturising?". Sick of showers being an entire ordeal. Sick of necking pints and pints of water for people to say "maybe you're dehydrated". Sick of cutting shit out for people to say "oh maybe youre allergic to XYZ". My skin is shit, it's shit for me, I guarantee the experience of my own skin is a lot worse for me than it is for you so SHUT UP!!! WITH THE UNSOLICITED ADVICE! Omg sorry I'm extra mad today after someone in work asked if I drink enough and recommended vaseline....sorry I sound so bitter but I am coming up 30 years of this and today feels like a final straw.
For context I've had severe eczema my entire life that covers my entire body, my face (luckily) is the only part that's usually clear but in these winter months that comes too and it brings with it a whole host of unnecessary comments and judgements. leave me alone!! I'm trying, I don't know why the assumption is that I'm not!