Mother 3 Claus Journey Hack update!
About a year ago I made a Mother 3 hack that swapped Lucas and Claus's places in the story and made Claus the protagonist, altering the story, allowing you to see his thoughts and different character development, and so on. Well today, I've made an update to that hack that adds new dialogue to 2 dungeons that didn't have it before, as well as polishing the dialogue to be more natural and adding news lines to other areas as well!
I also altered the King Statue boss fight to be winnable via normal means now (aka not just PK Flash and New years' eve bombs, he has a normal amount of HP now, about 8000), and he gives greater rewards for beating him! You can get Lucas or Kumatora's ultimate weapon for beating him as well as some more EXP than you'd get in the normal game! And if you happen to have one of those weapons already, you can sell the 2nd one for a lot of DP now.
I hope you guys have fun with this new finalized version of the hack! You can find the patches for it here.