Full body numbness - left side is worse

Hello all,

I’ve been dealing with some weird symptoms lately, especially after having a nasal surgery in November 2024. My symptoms are.

• Constant full-body numbness (worse on the left side)
• Heart palpitations
• Trouble urinating
• Numbness and dryness in my mouth and nose
• Panic attacks
• Muscle stiffness
• Blurred vision

I’ve done every test there is, but doctors can’t figure out the root cause. All blood tests, EMGs, MRIs are normal.

I'm talking about total numbness! Literally everywhere in my body!

I occasionally have episodes where I feel like I'm dying, my heart goes crazy, and I don't sense breathing. Symptoms keep progressing after the episodes. I'm currently on beta-blockers. I also feel my heart beating less after these symptoms started. I used to feel it more when I placed my hand on the left side of my chest.

I tested positive for COVID on December 18th, but the symptoms started 2 weeks before that.

I'm about to freak out, especially the whole body numbness is scaring the crap out of me. Did my nerves get damaged? What can I do about it?

Thank you all for your input.