Finally joining the clubbb🤓

I plan on using this as my main device while using my iphone at work for teams/mfa/music. I might end up getting a smart watch down the road. Ive been wanting one for awhile but could never find the perfect one. I was stuck between this or lp3. I think i’ll like the flip and real buttons over the touchscreen only on the lp3. Who knows I might end up buying a lp3 down the road. Any recommendations for makin

I plan on using this as my main device while using my iphone at work for teams/mfa/music. I might end up getting a smart watch down the road. Ive been wanting one for awhile but could never find the perfect one. I was stuck between this or lp3. I think i’ll like the flip and real buttons over the touchscreen only on the lp3. Who knows I might end up buying a lp3 down the road. Any recommendations for makin