Very anxious after hitting into a car today

I was reversing out of a tight spot this evening, there was a car parked and I hit into it ever so lightly. The woman got out of her car to inspect the damage and couldn’t notice anything on first look but said she’d have a proper look when she got home. I apologised and said I’m a new driver and I really am sorry, she said it’s okay we’ve all been there. She took my contact details in case something is wrong, but there didn’t seem to be any issues on first look. I’m just really anxious now and feel like I shouldn’t even be on the road… I passed about a year ago but only been driving for about 6 months as I got my first car last August. It was an oversight on my part of course and definitely a learning point for the future to be more cautious when reversing out of tight spots. I didn’t notice any damage to my car either - I was going at like 2mph - and like I’ve said, the woman didn’t notice anything on first glance.

I just can’t help but feel terrible. Did I do the right thing by saying sorry and giving my details? I’m hoping she doesn’t contact me and it’s all fine, or she contacts me to inform me it’s all okay. If something really bad has happened (which would be very surprising since nothing was visible on first glance) - what would happen? Would my insurance skyrocket?