Who tips the lowest in your area?
For me, it’s car salesman. Never over $2. Second is the biggest house in the nicest neighborhoods, furthest away, I always get them on EBT and they never have over $2 and that’s if I’m lucky
Edit: I didn’t think this had to be said, but if you don’t have an answer then you don’t have to comment. No one is giving out gold metals to the people who “don’t know cause I only accept high paying offers”
EBT is a thing, not every EBT offer is a waste of time and money, every market is different. Some areas the only way to make any money is having the dash now button so sometimes they have to take the $3 offer for 1.5 miles. Please, lord, it was just a simple question, not a space for others to try to flex on other drivers like it does something. We’re all driving for the same company who doesn’t care for us, people who use EBT or take what they can get aren’t your enemies.