Account deactivated. Submitted appeal.

Platinum Status, 100% acceptance rate, 100% completion rate, 95% on time or early, rating of 4.93, close to 800 deliveries. They asked for screen shots but I don't have them, and of course I can't provide them now because they deactivated my account.

They say I prolonged pickup and delivery times, but that doesn't make sense if 95% of my deliveries were on time or early. Getting to 95% isn't exactly easy. You need some good luck. Restaurants getting the food out on time, auspicious traffic conditions, auspicious parking conditions, apartment numbering being logical, etc. all needs to be in your favor. We've all had to occasionally park in red zones and double park with the hazard lights on to get this job done. It's not like you can just go to any location anywhere and park immediately. You gotta find solutions and THAT is why you're not 100% on time.

I did some searching before posting this. Looks like I'm not the only one this has happened to. Here I was thinking I was doing a stellar job and suddenly all the wind is taken out of my sails.

It would be nice if there was a phone number I could call.