why the hell is dean so mean to cas? (s6-9)

im putting this here because i feel like people in this subreddit would probably understand my confusion more than those in the main spn subreddit, who i've heard aren't really accepting of different ideas. i'm autistic and i just want to know if i'm reading this show wrong (has happened before so dont be afraid to tell me lmao), but i'm a bit afraid of being mocked in there, so i'm posting here just to get it off my mind for the first time since i watched spn.

first things first, i LOVE cas. i love him to DEATH. i find him so incredibly relatable and to be such an interesting character, especially in seasons 4-6. i've been a destiel shipper since i saw season 5, i adore their relationship and their dynamic and i love picking apart all of their brains and seeing how what's going through their heads is reflected in the show.

but one thing i've been just utterly unable to parse is how mean dean was to cas in seasons 6-9. i actually had to stop watching the show for a bit because it was so unbearable - i couldn't understand what was supposed to be going through the characters' heads, and if we were supposed to be rooting for cas (like i was) or agreeing with dean (which i didn't understand.)

it started when cas was working with crowley. i understand, objectively, why that was a bad idea, and how dean felt like cas was the only one he could trust. but what i don't understand was the reasoning that was given for dean's anger at him? when he trapped cas, he argued that he "could've told them" about the civil war in heaven, which he... did? he told them he was in the middle of a war and didn't have time for this... literally every single time dean and sam called him down. and they didn't seem to gaf??

also, like i said, i understand why working with crowley wasn't necessarily the best option, but there's also that scene with raphael talking to cas that made me realize, like... he was doing it all for dean. this comes back in season 9 but i feel like it's made obvious even here that the only reason he's going to these lengths is to protect dean. so he does this with the intention to help dean, tells dean repeatedly that he's doing something to protect him, and then gets yelled at because he has no option but to turn to someone that will help him protect dean BECAUSE dean and sam don't care??

am i making any sense? i genuinely feel like cas wouldn't have gone so extremist with his goals by season and 8 if dean had just heard him out. in my eyes, he was doing it all for dean's sake, so when dean rejected him for it, he went a bit crazy trying to prove that what he was doing worthwhile.

and don't even get me started on the "baby in a trenchcoat" thing. that shit infuriated me beyond belief, i'm sorry. because when he's by your side trying to help you, he's as useless as a baby in a trenchcoat, but when he's doing his own thing, suddenly he's family and you need him???? fuck off

anyway, sorry for the rant, but i need to know i'm not going crazy here. this has been weighing on my mind ever since i watched these seasons and i've stopped watching after season 9 because i just don't think i'll be able to stand this kind of writing anymore. it's not necessarily that i think it's worse, just that i can't get into the characters' minds anymore, so watching it is just more frustrating and confusing than entertaining. did you guys feel the same way?