Recommendations for lawyer

Long story short, I’m renting a house and my furnace died on 01/07 overnight. I submitted a maintenance ticket in the morning when I woke up, as per the lease agreement, and was asked later that day if I needed space heaters. I replied yes and didn’t hear back from them until the next day, over 24 hours later. My house was below 60° overnight. They gave me two space heaters and sent a vendor to look at the furnace. that’s when I found out it needed replaced. Fast-forward to today, 12 days later in total, and my furnace still hasn’t been replaced. I have a three year-old that was tested and diagnosed autistic so it’s extremely unsafe for me to have space heaters operating within his reach. Is this something I can potentially sue my landlord and/or the rental company for? If so, I need recommendations on lawyers to be contacting.

UPDATE: as of yesterday, 01/20, the furnace has been fixed. Threatening legal action must’ve done something cuz the landlord sent another vendor to my place. He found the problem and fixed it before 5pm. I have heat again, but I feel this should’ve been resolved much sooner.