What to do as an introvert?
I have a lot of confidence issues, mainly due to history of verbal and physical abuse from my dad and years of dropping for competitive exams etc.
I feel like I don't have a thick skin, I can't just ignore what people say. Ik this might sound super childish but I flinch when people swear to me, and here they swear like in every sentence lol. I don't like to involve in any fights or troubles, and back off even if I am right.
I don't like to party nor travel nor hanging out with peeps etc. I don't know how to explain this to someone that I don't find these fun without coming off as weird.
My college is full of extroverts, it's not like I want to be a part of them but it is like I feel there is something wrong with me not being a part of it and subsequently also not wanting to be.