Have people gotten use out of the new dream pallets in PTB?
I just read up on all the changes and am very happy but will miss being able to M1 through a fake pallet cause it always made me giggle so I’m just going to have to accept this is going to be a very different way to play
The whole ‘survivors can see fake pallets and they stun Freddy but can explode making them sleep or injured’ is interesting
So, you chase someone around a loop now and obviously drop a fake pallet, but now it’s more like a remote bomb? Logically I can see how this can still work by forcing them to walk under by chasing them towards it and exploding it. Has anyone played with these yet? The idea about being able to force them to take an m1 or a pallet explosion hit does sound fun, kind of like dropping a dredge remnant around a loop and forcing them to run near it or run away
Also does hindering them with a snare improve them taking the hit from the blood explosion?